Published Work
Healthcare Law Review: 4 Big Cases in 2022 (December 2022)
An Update on the Impact of the No Surprises Act (December 2022)
What Were the Top Healthcare Data Breaches in 2022? (December 2022)
Unpacking the New Nutrition Education Provisions for Healthcare Providers (November 2022)
4 Tips for Interacting With Pharmaceutical Sales Reps (November 2022)
How Does the Inflation Reduction Act Affect Healthcare? (October 2022)
5 Things Healthcare Professionals Should Know About the Proposed HHS Nondiscrimination Rule (September 2022)
Health Apps and HIPAA: What Healthcare Providers Need to Know About Compliance (August 2022)
What HCPs Need to Know About the Information Blocking Rule (July 2022)
Understanding the Proposed Changes to the HIPAA Privacy Rule (June 2022)
What is Healthcare Interoperability? Understanding FHIR and TEFCA (May 2022)
3 Post-Pandemic Compliance Issues Healthcare Providers Need to Know About. (March 2022)
An Update on State Abortion Laws (March 2022)
Antitrust Basics for the Healthcare Provider (March 2022)
What is the Medical Debt Relief Act? (February 2022)
What Is the False Claims Act, and How Can You Avoid Violating It? (January 2022)
What Is the Stark Law, and How Can You Avoid Violating It? (December 2021)
The Texas Abortion Law’s Legal Status and Latest Updates for Healthcare Providers (November 2021)
What to Keep in Mind Before Owning a Telehealth Professional Corporation (November 2021)
Business Insider
Cryptocurrency is an electronic, private type of money — here's how it works (January 2021)
The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the US — here's why it's so powerful (November 2020)
American Bar Association
American Health Law Association
Young Professionals—Yes, You Have to Wear Pants: Tips for Transitioning Back to the Office (June 2021)
National Jurist
Law school culture: Competition and elitism (September 2023)
Back to law school: 5 tips to a successful start (August 2023)
Funniest things people have eaten in class (July 2023)
Second career law students bring much-needed experience to the classroom (June 2023)
The best things about law school from a former student (May 2023)
3 interview horror stories from a job hunter (April 2023)
4 job interview horror stories from an attorney (March 2023)
Working as In-House Counsel: The worst, the best and the rest (February 2023)
A lawyer walks into a party: How to avoid giving free legal advice (January 2023)
What kind of lawyer are you going to be? (December 2022)
5 things I regret about law school (November 2022)
Three years later: Life as a new attorney (October 2022)
Four subjects that should be taught in law school (September 2022)
Ready for school? Not just yet…(August 2022)
Ask Alex #3: Finances (June 2022)
Setting boundaries at work: the basics (May 2022)
The health effects of law school (April 2022)
The graduate's guide to boosting your legal career (March 2022)
Four things I wasted my money on in law school (March 2022)
Six career mistakes to avoid: trust me, I’ve been there (February 2022)
Just keep going: job searching does get easier (January 2022)
Breadth v. depth: choosing your law school classes after your first year (December 2021)
Strange study habits I've seen in law school (November 2021)
Musings from a new attorney: what I wish I had learned in law school (October 2021)
Ask Alex #2: Surviving Law School (September 2021)
Three books to read during law school (August 2021)
Ask Alex #1: Frequently Asked Questions (July 2021)
Now what? Three hard truths about joining the real world (June 2021)
How to survive a bad job (May 2021)
3 unconventional job tips for lawyers (April 2021)
Life Happens: Even While in Law School (March 2021)
3 Tips to Improve Your Resume and Help You Get A Summer Job (February 2021)
Dress for Success: How to Buy a Lawyer's Wardrobe on a Law Student Budget (January 2021)
How to Boost Your Career During COVID: A Law Student Guide (December 2020)​​
Four Unconventional Study Tips (November 2020)
How to Move on From Failure and Rejection: Law School Style (October 2020​)
How to Stay Safe This Semester (September 2020)
Two Quick Credentials To Earn While in Law School (August 2020)
The Pros of Pro Bono (July 2020)
4 ways to stay in the mix this summer (May 2020)
Four legal soft skills to improve during quarantine (April 2020)
5 tips for studying during quarantine (March 2020)
I passed the bar, here’s how you can too (Winter 2020)
Top five law student resume boosters (February 2020)
Two things I wish I knew before becoming a law student (January 2020)
Hate law school? You're not alone (December 2019)
How to make (more) money in law school (November 2019)
6 books that will help you be a better law school student (October 2019)
Are we there yet? A road map for your 1L year (September 2019)
5 ways to use your excused absences in law school (September 2019)
5 tips to stretch your law school budget (September 2019)
Superstar law professors (September 2019)
4 ways to use your career services department (August 2019)
How to make (and stick) to a law school budget (July 2019)
6 tips to make this the most successful summer ever (June 2019)
7 habits of highly successful law students (May 2019)
Get a life: How to manage mental health in law school (April 2019)
Four things no one tells you about law school (March 2019)​​
What’s law school really like (Spring 2019)
The four kinds of professors and how to do well in their classes (March 2019)
Is your Facebook an Open Book? It probably shouldn’t be (February 2019)
Yes, you can survive a C (January 2019)
Dating in law school: The dos and don’ts (December 2018)
Should one chow in class (November 2018)